Compliance Officer 101 |
The Compliance Officer 101 training program is designed for staff new to the prevention of money laundering. It is also a useful refresher course for existing employees or those wishing to attain the CAMLI Practicing Associate designation. |
Understanding Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Risk: A Risk Assessment Process |
To be effective, a risk assessment methodology must be part of an overall process to address risk. This training program stresses the importance of treating risk as part of a greater whole and not as a stand alone element separate from the other four compliance program elements. |
Effectiveness Testing the Compliance Program: Enhancing Your Skills |
Effectiveness Testing the Compliance Program: Enhancing Your Skills has been developed to assist those tasked with undertaking a legislated Compliance Review to develop, manage, and operationalize that Review.
Foundations of AML Compliance Management Certificate |
CAMLI has developed the Foundations of AML Compliance Management Certificate, which encompasses two CAMLI training programs, focusing on the key fundamentals of AML/CTF compliance management within a designated reporting business operations.
Transaction Monitoring System Training Program |
This program was developed for compliance professionals to assist with developing an efficient and effective transaction monitoring system with the ultimate goal to determine whether to clear alerts or escalate to the submission of suspicious transaction reports.
AML/CTF Board of Directors Training Program |
No longer can boards defer substantive decisions regarding anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing to their compliance staff. Instead, they must understand the obligations and potential penalties comprising compliance and establish the appropriate ‘tone at the top’.
Composing Suspicious Transaction Reports |
This is an entry level course that has been designed to assist practitioners to recognize when there are reasonable grounds to suspect attempted or completed suspicious transactions, and provides information on how to develop a reporting protocol that maximizes the utility of their Attempted/Suspicious Transaction Reports.
Building a Business Relationship and Monitoring Model |
CAMLI's Building a Business Relationship and Monitoring Model examines Canada's legislated Business Relationship requirements and know-your-customer obligations, outlines the development of a risk management protocol, and provides guidance for monitoring and record keeping.
Risks Associated with Lending: Loans and Mortgages |
This course identifies various types of lending transactions and activities that may indicate potential money laundering. Learn to recognize the risk indicators for the various types of fraud typically associated with lending and mortgage products and services, and the procedures used to mitigate these risks.
Risks Associated with PEPs and HIOs |
Corruption and money laundering are deeply interconnected, as corrupt officials often rely on money laundering techniques to disguise the origins of their illicit gains. While corruption-related money laundering shares many of the same traits as the laundering of proceeds of other types of crime, there are important differences.
Risks Associated with Trade-Based Money Laundering |
The international trade system is subject to a wide range of risks and vulnerabilities that provide criminal organizations with the opportunity to launder the proceeds of crime and provide funding to terrorist organizations with a relatively low risk of detection.
Risks Associated with Terrorist Financing and Combatting Abuse of NPOs |
To mitigate any possible threat and to preserve the integrity of our NPO sector, this course will assist reporting sectors through detailed information, thereby assisting the global fight against terrorism and encourage greater vigilance against any potential misuse domestically or abroad.
Managing Your Risks: Elder Financial Abuse/Exploitation |
At the intersection of reporting and privacy of elder financial abuse/exploitation, you may sometimes struggle with your obligations to report this type of activity. This course will assist practitioners to recognize the importance of the application of elder financial abuse/exploitation risk controls into their risk assessment.
New Payment Products & Services |
The growing use of new payment products and services globally has created challenges for countries and private sector institutions to ensure that these products and services are not misused for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes.
Real Estate Brokers & Sales Representatives AML/CTF |
This AML/CTF training program will assist real estate brokers and sales representatives to comply in part with the training requirement under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and its supporting Regulations.
Casino CAMLOs: Designing Employee Training |
Casino CAMLOs: Designing Employee Training provides resources for compliance officers in the casino and gaming sector to assist with the training of employees to understand the requirements mandated under Canada's Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and its supporting Regulations.
Certified Financial Planners: Understanding Risks |
This training program is designed to provide Certified Financial Planners with information about the risks your products and services may create and the opportunities they may provide for money launderers and terrorist activity financing.
Fraud 101 |
Fraud 101 provides detailed information on the theory, types of fraudulent financial crimes, and application of mitigating strategies to facilitate the detection, prevention, and response to fraudulent activities within their organization.
Privacy Training Programs |
Privacy is an operational concern and it belongs on the front lines where customer information is collected right through an organization’s lifecycle of information flow. Employees that are unaware of corporate privacy policies and how they are related to their role make mistakes when dealing with customers or when using/disclosing customer information.