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  • Christopher Walker - About Business Crime Solutions, Inc.
  • Marcy Betts - AML Consultant
A Master Class for Compliance Professionals
Video Archive

Governance and Oversight: Owners, Board of Directors & Senior Management Responsibilities

Original Broadcast Date:
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Running Time:

Overall accountability for a business’ AML/CTF Compliance Regime rests at the highest levels of the organization. That accountability comes from the oversight and governance responsibilities held by those tasked with running the business: owners, executives, and external Board members. The associated roles and responsibilities vary but each has specific applications. What are they? And why are they in place?

Managing such oversight demands that those in control are kept in the loop about the legislated and regulatory demands on the business; the application of those demands; the impacts of ML/TF risks on the business; and the emerging trends and new product/service lines that will generate additional risks that need to be mediated.

This seminar explores in some detail the expectations and duties in the world of AML/CTF governance and oversight. The instructors discuss these across small, medium, and large-sized businesses, drawing on real-life examples and experience consulting in the field. This seminar is tailored towards directors from reporting entity Boards, as well as business owners, senior managers, and compliance officers.


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