Section One: Transaction Monitoring Controls
Section Two: Alert Management
Section Three: Composing Suspicious Transaction Reports
Download the Transaction Monitoring System Training Program objectives / registration form

This program was developed for compliance professionals to assist with developing an efficient and effective transaction monitoring system with the ultimate goal to determine whether to clear alerts or escalate to the submission of suspicious transaction reports.
How? By examining situations in which money-laundering alerts should be triggered, based on what is expected.
Outcomes: Transaction monitoring solutions help reporting entities identify, assess, control and report unusual activity among their customer operations through a multi-step processing management system.
The intent of this program is to focus on how AML control rules and other parameters are used to generate alerts on transactions that are linked to an array of customer types and products, as well as, to various points of the customer relationship.
An AML 'Transaction Monitoring System' is a vital component of the internal control measures reporting entities require in the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing under our Canadian legal framework, the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and associated Regulations.
Transaction Monitoring System Training Program includes:
24/7 access to all training program materials via your CAMLI user account;
review exercises;
the flexibility to complete the online final exam at a time that fits within your busy schedule.
Upon successful completion of the Transaction Monitoring System Training Program, you will receive:
a certificate of program completion documenting your understanding of how to develop an efficient and effective AML transaction monitoring system.
10 CAMLI Continuing Education (CE) hours that can be used for qualification or maintenance of CAMLI designations.
Download the Transaction Monitoring System Training Program objectives / registration form